Franking machine
Recommended if sending more than 40 letters a week. Helping you save time and money
- Convenient for both letters and small packets
- Gives your mail a professional look
- Load postage online
- Items up to 2 kilo
Delivery times will be 2-3 businessdays across the country, and for mailbox there will be 2 days.

How much does it cost?
Save on postage by using a franking machine. Every time you fill up your postage account we automatically add a 20 % bonus to the amount paid in.
What do you need to know?
The franking imprint should be placed in the top right corner of the envelope. Company names can be placed in the franking imprint. This is placed to the left of the date stamp.
Mail that is franked with a franking machine can be placed in the nearest mailbox or delivered to Norway Post.
Acquisition of franking machine
To get started, please contact one of our authorized dealers or contact our custom service and you will get an offer on franking machines.
Quadient AS
Postboks 134 Furuset
1001 OSLO
Telefon: +47 22 90 14 00
Azolver Norge AS
Postboks 500
Telefon: +47 23 33 93 00
Postrom Maskiner AS
Postboks 44 Haugenstua
0915 OSLO
Telefon: +47 23 33 88 33
E-post: -
Unused franking prints
Do you have unused franking imprint, fill in our refund form and send it together with the unused prints to Posten Norge AS, Customer Service, PO Box 133, 1701 Sarpsborg. A fee of NOK 147,- per refund claim is payable.
Underpaid postage- prices
In case of underpaid postage, the letter will still be delivered, but you will receive an invoice for the deficient amount + an administration fee. If sender’s name and address are not given on the item, the invoice will go to the addressee.