- Categories of postcodes
- Postcodes pr municipality and county
- Postcodes in order (Ansi/Windows-format)
- New postcodes (Ansi/windows-format)
- Changed and terminated postcodes (Ansi/windows-format)
1. Categories of postcodes
The categories tells the function of an postcode (e.g. street addresses or/and P.O.Box addresses).
G = Street addresses
P = P.O. Boxes
B = Both street addresses and P.O.Boxes
S = Postcode for special service (not used for addresses)
2. Postcodes pr municipality and county
All Postcode-files contain the municipality number and -name. The first two digits of the
municipality number is county number and here's county overview of Norway:
03 Oslo
11 Rogaland
15 Møre og Romsdal
18 Nordland
21 Svalbard *)
22 Jan Mayen *)
30 Viken
34 Innlandet
38 Vestfold og Telemark
42 Agder
46 Vestland
50 Trøndelag
54 Troms og Finnmark
*) Svalbard and Jan Mayen are not ordinary counties, but to distinguish
postcode belonging to these areas we have chosen to give them their own codes as if they were counties. The codes are obtained from Statistisk Sentralbyrå (Governmental statistics institution), and are the same as those used elsewhere by the government
3. Postcodes in order, postcode tables
(TAB-separated in Ansi/Windows-format)
Filename: Postal_codes_Norway_ansi.txt
Layout, TAB-separated:
Post code | Postal name | Municipality number (county 2 + municipality 2) | Municipality name | Category |
4 | 32 | 4 | 30 | 1 |
4. New postcodes, chronological log
(TAB-separated in Ansi/Windows-format)
The files contain historical data from 1999 up to today, ordered by date and postcode.
Please copy the period you need.
Filename: Postal_codes_new_ansi.txt
Layout, TAB-separated:
Post code | Postal name | Muni- cipa- lity number (county 2 + muni- cipa- lity 2) | Muni- cipa- lity name | Tra- ding area | Valid from date Day | Valid from date Mth | Valid from date Year 1 | Valid from date Year 2 | Cate- gory |
4 | 32 | 4 | 30 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
5. Changed and terminated postcodes, chronological log
(TAB-separated in Ansi/Windows-format)
The files contain historical data from 1999 up to today, ordered by date and postcode.
Please copy the period you need.
Filename: Postal_code_changes_ansi.txt
Layout, TAB-separeted:
Old post code | Old postal name | Date Day | Date Mth | Date Year 1 | Date Year 2 | New post code | New postal name | Old Cate- gory | New Cate- gory |
4 | 32 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 32 | 1 | 1 |
OBS; In the tab for new postcode the number 9999 may occur. This means that the new postcode belongs in one of the towns that have multiple postcodes and that the post address determines which postcode is correct. Poscode can also be terminated. Changes of address levels can be found in the conversion tables that are published yearly on the 1th of October.
The post address refers to street/road name and number, PO number, etc.
Note that files for new postcodes and changed/terminated postcodes respectively must be seen in context. Postcodes can be restored.