While you are on holiday
If your business will be closed during the holidays or you will be away for a period of time, we can hold your mail while you are away.
- Safekeeping of all types of addressed mail
- Unaddressed advertisements will be stopped while you are away
- Registered letters, insured letters and parcels will be returned when the deadline has expired (normally two weeks)
- If you wish, you can get your mail while it is being kept for you during this time

How much does it cost?
The service will be invoiced, and the price will depend on how long your mail is to be stored.
Period up to 15 days price NOK 274. Further per week NOK 78.
If you order an extension of the agreement, this will cost NOK 50 extra in addition to the price per week.
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
What do you need to know?
Safekeeping of mail can be ordered for up to 3 months. A new agreement can be entered into for a total of 6 consecutive storage periods.
Ordering deadlines:
If the form is sent by post, calculate 2 working days' forwarding time
Delivery to Norway Post: 8 working days.
Fill out the order form
Download the form and hand it in at the post in shop, as an attachment in the email to adresseendring@bring.com, or as a letter addressed to:
Posten kundeservice
Stølsmyr 10,
Order in good time
Safekeeping of mail starts 2 working days from the form is received at Norway Post customer service.
If the form is sent by post, calculate two days' forwarding time.
There is no need to order safekeeping of mail if you have a P.O.Box. If you have a pick-up and delivery agreement associated with your P.O.Box address, contact our Customer Service.
The first day of delivery after the end date, the mail will be delivered to the mailbox. If it is a lot of mail, you will receive a message in the mailbox to come and pick up the mail at the specified location. Identification must be presented.
You can also pick up kept mail during the safekeeping of mail period. In this case, contact Customer Service at least 2 days in advance.
Extend the agreement
If you want to extend the safekeeping time, it can be extended up to a total of 6 months. Contact Customer Service.
You do the same if you want to discontinue the service before the agreed end date.