Zaraguza Offline Gloves

The christmas gift that won over advertising blogs

Someone using a mobile phone while wearing red Offline Gloves with 100% Anti-Touch technology


For the Slovak multichannel ad agency Zaraguza, the goal was to fortify the relationship with clients just before Christmas. Also the task was to create an original Christmas present which will have the potential to grab attention of local and foreign media and at the same time strengthen the agency brand.


Zaraguza’s clients often have to work, even on holidays. To help them enjoy a peaceful Christmas, they were sent a special gift - Offline Gloves with 100% Anti-Touch technology thanks to which they couldn’t control touch screen smartphones. That means no work calls, e-mails or text messages.

zaraguza offlinegloves


With the production budget of a few thousand euros Offline Gloves captured the attention. Our gift for overextended marketers was written about in 18 countries around the world, including in well-known TrendHunter and prestigious Directory Magazine. The gloves also became a finalist in the “Design” category at the Golden Hammer Festival.

Offline Gloves were listed by ThirdWunder as one of the top 10 agency Christmas campaigns of all time.

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